QUINOA – A Super Food | Top 11 Facts about Quinoa

 In Health Tips

Is Quiona a Super Food? As a health-conscious person, you must be wondering how “QUINOA” is getting so much attention in past few time.Today majority of Dietitian/Nutrition is recommending “QUINOA” as a must food in your diet. Through this blog, I wish to address the nutritional values of “QUINOA”, its Benefits & How to cook Quinoa.

So, if you have questions like: What are the nutritional values of Quinoa?, How to prepare Quinoa? Does Quinoa help in Weight Loss/Keep your self-fit? etc. then please read this blog.

I have made the blog simple to understand as most of the relevant questions related to “QUINOA” are being answered in this blog.

Nutritional Contents of Quinoa:-

  • Rich in Protein.
  • Contains twice as much fiber as most other grains.
  • Full of Iron
  • Contains lysine.
  • Rich in magnesium.
    High in Riboflavin (B2).
  • The high content of manganese.

1) Is Quinoa healthy for you?

With all the above listed nutritional values of Quinoa, it is indeed a healthy food for all age groups.

Quinoa is superfood to lose weight, feel energetic throughout the day, increase metabolic rate, it also helps in improving digestion. So include Quinoa in your daily diet for Happy & Healthy Life.

As a Dietitian, I recommend Quinoa for males, females, kids & particularly for old age group people.

2) Which Quinoa to Buy?

There are three main types found in markets here: white, red, and black. White quinoa has the most neutral, easy-to-love flavor — start with this one if you’ve never tried quinoa before.

3) Why Rinse Quinoa?

Quinoa has a natural coating, called saponin, that can make the cooked grain taste bitter or soapy. Luckily, it’s easy to get rid of this coating just by rinsing the quinoa just before cooking. Boxed quinoa is often pre-rinsed, but it doesn’t hurt to give the seeds an additional rinse at home.You may also soak Quinoa for few minutes before preparing it.

4) What Can I Do with Quinoa?

Use quinoa just as you would any other grain, like rice or barley! It makes a fantastic side dish for almost any meal. Quinoa can also be used in breakfast porridges and salads.

5) What Is Quinoa?

Quinoa has been called “the mother grain” .” Technically, it’s not a grain but a seed, though it is used in virtually all the same ways as other whole grains. Over the last few years, the popularity of quinoa has grown steadily as people have discovered its pleasant nutty taste and superfood qualities. As a complete protein source also high in iron, magnesium, and fiber, quinoa is not only one of our healthiest pantry staples, but also one that’s incredibly easy and quick to cook.

6) Why is it termed as Super Food?

Superfood: Quinoa. Often referred to as the super grain, quinoa is high in fiber and high-quality protein. In fact, it contains more protein than any other grain while also packing in iron and potassium. One-half cup of quinoa has 14 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber.

7) What is quinoa and what is it used for?

This protein-packed grain contains every amino acid and is particularly rich in lysine, which promotes healthy tissue growth throughout the body. Quinoa is also a good source of iron, magnesium, vitamin E, potassium, and fiber.

8) How much quinoa can you eat?

For adult males & females, I recommend the half to one cup per meal.For Children( aged between 3-16 years) 2-5 ounces of Quinoa.

9) How much protein does quinoa have in it?

Quinoa’s known for its high protein content, and with good reasons. Amongst all of the vegetarian food Quinoa contains maximum protein. It contains eight grams of protein per cup. Plus, it’s considered a complete protein, meaning it packs all nine essential amino acids your body needs.

10) Is quinoa a carbohydrate or a protein?

One cup of cooked quinoa contains 30 grams of carbohydrate, 3 grams of fat, 3 grams of dietary fiber and 5.5 grams of protein, according to “Savvy Vegetarian,” a website dedicated to healthy vegetarian choices. Quinoa is a whole-grain food, meaning the quinoa is more slowly digested than refined-grain counterparts.

11) What is the calorie content of Quinoa?

While we love quinoa as a tasty and versatile protein source, many dieters mistakenly believe it’s a much lower-calorie alternative to rice. In reality, one cup of cooked quinoa has 222 calories, putting it on par with brown rice (which has around 218 calories per cup).

Basic Quinoa Facts

i) How much-cooked quinoa does 1 cup dry quinoa yield?

1 cup dry quinoa yields about 3 cups cooked quinoa.

ii) How much liquid do I need to cook quinoa?

To cook 1 cup quinoa, you need about 2 cups liquid.

iii) How long does it take to cook quinoa?

1 cup quinoa will cook in about 20 minutes.

iv) How do I make quinoa less bitter?

Nearly, if not all, of the natural bitterness of quinoa’s outer coating, can be removed by a vigorous rinsing in a mesh strainer.

v) How do I make better-tasting quinoa?

Quinoa is really excellent when cooked in vegetable or chicken broth. Also, add about 1/4 teaspoon salt to each cup dried quinoa when cooking. Try adding other spices and aromatics during cooking as well, like a clove of smashed garlic, black pepper, other Indian spices.

vi) Can I use my rice cooker to make quinoa?

Yes! Just use the 2:1 liquid-to-quinoa ratio and follow the instructions on your rice cooker.

Perhaps you’ve been hearing about Quinoa and are curious as to all of the benefits that can be had by eating it. It’s a truly fascinating food, and worth taking a closer look at its different features and what it can provide for you. It’s been known in health circles for quite some time now but has only received attention from the mainstream in recent years.

vii) How to prepare Quinoa in Indian style?

Give Quinoa the “Indian Tadka” by preparing it with POHA, UPMA, IDLI, etc for breakfast. Just add a portion of Quinoa with Poha, Upma or Idli to make your breakfast more nutritious. You can mix Quinoa with rice as well & cook both together, then eat it with Dal(pulses), Vegetable Pulav, Other Indian gravies.


Include Quinoa in your daily diet to make you Breakfast & other meal more nutritious.It is Super Food for your Health. Do you have any questions on Qunioa or wish to know about any recipe/Indian recipe on Qunioa do write to me.

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Dietitian Vintia Jaiswal

[email protected]

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